Saturday, July 3

smooth as a baby's bum - not anymore

mid-may we were hit with a month of itchy, blistery, red, crusty, horrible chicken pox :(

Seth kindly brought it home from his pre-school, getting away with not too many spots

he decided to share with Jacob - who I fear will never be the same again

Seriously {I know I say this word too much!} he was covered from his scalp to the soles of his feet. His beautiful, smooth, perfect baby skin was practically one big blister and despite our greatest efforts I'm pretty sure he's going to have several scars.

I spent pretty much 4 weeks stuck at home with spotty kids - thankfully they weren't too miserable (maybe that was just me!) It was a horrible couple of weeks for Jacob, when people would see him they were actually in shock - I couldn't find a spot free place to kiss his cute little face. I hope he doesn't get acne because I doubt he'll appreciate my constant mollycoddling (and photographs) in his teens!

Maybe I'll start a facebook petition to bring the vaccine to the UK?! that seems to get songs to number 1 all of the time....

days 3 and 5
after a week and after a month